25th Sep, 22

I’ve become the old man of my childhood

Do you remember that period in your life when you were physically small and looked up at adults? That period in your life when you were half the height of an adult but were cognisant enough to look up at them, consider them and take those thoughts in?

At that stage of my life probably five or six years of age, I can remember looking up at my uncle Bill who was my nans brother. He had a bald head, was physically thin and had lost his teeth. Like a lot of that generation, he’d had a tough life.

Sixty next Spring, with a bald head, not thin but definitely on the lean side and thankfully still with my own teeth. It struck me today that I am now that man. I am now my uncle Bill. Kids half my size must look at me as I looked at him and think, ‘wow, how do you get to be that old, and where does that hair go?’ :D

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